#1 Trusted Natural Vitamin Brand New Look, Same Formula Clinically-Researched Probiotic BPA-Free Promotes Digestive and Immune Health Helps Occasional, Gas, Constipation & Diarrhea Delivers Stomach-Soothing Botanicals Vegan Gluten-Free Dietary Supplement Features a unique, shelf-stable, vegan probiotic strain backed by 80 years of scientific research. Probiotics are “good bacteria” that naturally live in your digestive tract, and probiotic replenishment is important for digestive balance & overall wellness. Our clinically researched strain is active at lower amounts and the probiotic of choice in many clinical applications. Fortified with prebiotics, plus soothing digestive herbs. Promotes digestive, colon and immune health: ProbioActive™ probiotics, inulin, larch arabinogalactan Helps ease occasional constipation, indigestion, gas & bloating: Soothing botanical digestive blend, ProbioActive™ probiotics. Stomach soothing botanicals: Soothing botanical digestive blend Дополнительные факты Размер порции: 1 капсула В контейнере: 90 Количество на порцию % DV ProbioActive 80 мг * Bacillus Coagulans 1 миллиард КОЕ * Стимулирующая рост пребиотиков 50 мг * Инулин 25 мг * Лиственничный арабиногалактин 25 мг * Успокаивающая ботаническая поддержка пищеварения (Эквивалент 985 мг травяного порошка) 70 мг * Имбирь [корневище] Свежевыжатый сок 10: 1 20 мг * Порошок фенхеля 20 мг * Экстракт куркумы 50: 1 15 мг * Мята перечная [листовая] 15 мг * * Дневная ценность (DV) не установлена.